This module handles everything from enrollment of students to making individual results of students.
The real time analysis of academic reports of a student is most vital part of the education system.
Complete customization according to school
Report Card and Consolidated Sheets printing
Online Report Card and result declaration facility
Marks Entry via Subject / Class Teacher / Administrator
Option to print spreate slips for all Assessment
Auto calculation of grades and CGPA
Hundreds of preset report card format to choose from
Hall Ticket Generations
Attendance Sheet for Exam
Marks/Grade Entry via Subject Teacher / Class Teacher / Administrator.
Hundreds of preset report card and consolidated sheets format to choose from.
Managing Various Examination Types such as Internal, External, Viva, Written etc..
Multiple Grading Systems Supported.
Compatible with both Marks and Grade entry.
Manage all exams taken weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and annually..
Multiple grading, Marks to grade converter and Percentage/Grade display
You can create & customize result based on your needs.
Integrated SMS module to update parents about marks and grades..
Complete track of Marks Entry Status.
Academic and co-academic grades and marks can be well-defined for each subject.
School can define specific symbols for all the subject for easy understanding.